Saturday, 4 July 2015

Photography At Night

Undertaking photography at night brings its own set of challenges and rewards. Night hours lack the one thing that is so crucial in photography and that is light, however this lack of light has the ability to produce the most amazing results, if you have the patience and knowledge of your equipment. With night photography you can perform, light trails of cars on roads, star trails and even astro-photography. Each bring with it challenges and equipment specifications. All require you to have a tripod and a lens that has a really wide aperture, at least an f 2.0 I would say. Some like the light trails you can do from bridges or cross walks, or even on the shoulder of the road way (safely of course). The star trails is better done in areas away from the bright lights of cities as well as their light pollution, this also applies to the astro photography. It would be helpful if you had a telescope for the astro-photography also. Some key things to remember with photography at night:

You usually need a tripod.
An overly high ISO setting is going to cause problems and make you image look grainy.
A lens with a wide aperture is always a good thing to have. I tried night photos at an event with a lens that had a small aperture and no speedlite, was a disaster.
A speedlite may be necessary depending on what you are shooting.

What are some examples of night photography you like?

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