Sunday, 16 December 2012

Lens Exposure: Learning Curves & Humbled Expectations

Photos were shot w/ Canon XTi & Kit EF-S 18-55mm IS in Manual Mode. Range is 1 foot to 4 feet, shot in the afternoon in odd, low-ish, and frustrating light. Sixty shots and a half dozen or so keepers. None are spectacular, all are my learning curve.

Click any photo to SCROLL the photogallery.

Focal 30mm Shutter 1/50 Av 5.6 ISO 400 WB Flc Ct +20 EC +0.54 Flash ON

Focal 29mm Shutter 1/50 Av5.6 ISO 400 WB Flc Ct neg 11.4 EC neg 0.11 Flash ON

Slow shutter hand shake.

Focal 55mm Shutter 1/5 Av 5.6 ISO 800 Ct +15 EC neg 0.7 No Flash

Focal 53mm Shutter 1/6 Av 5.6 ISO 1600 Ct neg 30 EC zero No Flash

Focal 53mm Shutter 1/6 Av 5.6 ISO 1600 WB Flc Ct neg 19 EC +0.34 No Flash

Not at all crisp...

Focal 55mm Shutter 1/60 Av 5.6 ISO 1600 WB Flc Ct 50 EC +0.11 Flash ON

Focal mm Shutter  Aperture  ISO  WB  EC +0 Ctr

Focal 37mm Shutter 1/6 Aperture 4.5 ISO 1600  WB flc Contrast neg 17 EC +0.57

Focal Range 37mm Shutter 1/6 sec. Aperture 4.5 ISO 1600 WB Florescent EC:+0.74 Contrast +11.4 , cropped.

Thanks for looking, and Thank-You for Not Littering.      

                                                                                                       Sincerely, Ronald Borst

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