Tuesday, 8 October 2013

If Education Was Funded and Washington Was Just a Temp Job

In a recent edition of a Salem paper, the Statesman Journal reports that Oregon's special session of the state legislature has approved an "extra" $100 million for Oregon's education budget.

And in Washington(D.C.), the media is making hundreds of millions of dollars from "shutdown" news. It seems like such a rip-off. We live in a world of overpaid politicians, taxpayer funded athletes, and underpaid teachers. I suggest we pay our educators a politician's salary, and I propose that we pay politicians on a "temp" basis.

But we don't. Education is broke and Washington is rich. Does America want to fix this travesty?

Here is the first step to fixing this anomaly of ideology.

A rally for student funding, and a message loud and clear, from Oregon college students. Photo by Dale Hummel.

Get active!

In the debate over funding from the federal and state governments in America, education is a "last second" discussion, often with little compromise. In Oregon, a self-proclaimed "progressive" state, funding for education has declined ten years in a row, putting a severe strain on tuition at the state's publicly funded colleges. In the latest budget, the kids were vocal, rallying at the state capitol and demanding funding for education.

The rally was surreal and loud. It drew the attention of a few lawmakers, who left their catered offices to address the student crowd.

Activity in the daily education process is the first step, and that activity is contagious. Spread the word among your friends and family.

Contact not only Senators and Congresspersons, get in touch with local leaders and educators.

Get political!

Write letters, emails, and blogs. Publicize the state of education funding by conversing with the policy makers in government. But go further than ever before. Form committees with your neighbors and keep a log of the best ideas. Get neighborhood educators together with business leaders. Brainstorm new policies. Petition local doctors for their advice. Get every influential body in your town to submit ideas, and then get them to converse with state and federal government.

Much like the rally in Salem Oregon, political activity on a large scale, gets attention. Maybe Writing teachers and English instructors should incorporate that activity into their classrooms. What better way to write a letter, than to write a real correspondence? How cool would it be, to get education involved in the political process of petition?

At America's colleges, exist the smartest of us, ask them to lead as well as teach. Solicit the Steven Pinkers, and the Dave Eggers of our time, and help them change America's future.

Get global!

The global playing field is not what it used to be. Instant connectivity and real-time distribution, make the internet medium, super-valuable in the arena of reform. Use it for connections, research, and fundraising.

LBCC Baseball, cut during budget scrutiny in 2013. The program was 40 years old.

Valencia 826 is a shining example of activism in education. Dave Eggers, writer and educator, founded Valencia in 2002 with a heart built for kids. The nonprofit is a writing center for children aged six to eighteen. Valencia's mission statement reads: "826 Valencia is dedicated to supporting students with their writing skills, and to helping teachers get their students excited about literary arts."

The Problems

What if education had a bigger bankroll than America's politics, then America would truly lead the world into the future. America laments her loss of jobs, yet refuses to educate every citizen equally. Education is expensive, exclusive, and sometimes inadequate. In an editorial from Oregon State's student paper, The Daily Barometer, that inadequate instruction was reviewed scathingly.

Even if Don Iler(the author/editor) was partially responsible for that underwhelming education, what does this editorial say about American education? In another college paper, University of Texas at Austin student Mark Birkenstock writes, "What American education needs is citizens speaking up for more funding." This statement hits the truth nail on the head, as spending money on real education, is crucial for America to compete internationally.

In local schools, education suffers from politics and ignorance. Political chatter about science curriculum seems to always be a sort of religious blackmail, with religious leaders demanding "Godly" education practices. Outdated prejudices and practices have contributed to a mediocre American education system. Our schools no longer produce enough quality to sustain America. And nowhere is this more evident than in America's unemployment. As job markets change, America should adapt to that change by embracing relevant education that makes the United States self sustaining and prosperous.

At the state level, money hampers the poorer citizen to the point of never even considering school. These folks will find jobs at Walmart and Home Depot, and they will never have benefits, insurance, or sick leave. They will pump your gas(here in Oregon), bag your groceries, and serve your food.

Middle class America has become a temp service while education has been assaulted by decades of budget cuts and poor ideology. Meanwhile, elite America has grown and even prospered during a devastating recession.

And elite America has tried to protect itself, with money in politics. Which of course, the United States Supreme Court will discuss in the coming months. Have no doubt, money has corrupted politics and has led to underfunded American education resulting in America being a second-rate intellect.

Politics has dominated the effort to restrict education, as "redistricting" has attempted to segregate schools as well as "stacking" voting districts. The idea of personal and discriminatory politics has helped weaken education in the U.S. and has led to an elitist atmosphere in not only education, but in the American social arena. Our politicians have become royalty.

The Solution

The first step is admitting our failures. The next step would be to groupsource ideas and then make them real. To do this means getting everyone you know to join the cause. In numbers lie power, and in power there is change. Facilitate positive change by embracing leaders, and with a bulldog's tenacity, embrace education rather than short-term politics. Forget about whining and complaining. Get off your butt, get off Facebook, and build a future for Americans.

In the upcoming decades, we will be tested. Our commitment to education for all, will be tested. These tests will be in money management, teaching ideology, and politics. Fail these tests and America becomes a middle-of-the-pack performer. Continue to line the pockets of fatcat, despot politicians, and America fails. End the cycle of  moneyless education and end the cycle of overpaid politicians.

Get active in your community. Get active for your kids. And mine too.

My music player, Alexandrea, at the 2012 Strawberry Parade. She plays the flute in the Middle School Band.

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