Tuesday 30 June 2015

Taking A Phototrip

Taking a day out to just simply take photographs can be a most rewarding experience, it may not be possible to do that everyday or every weekend but you should still try to make time for it. You not only learn about where ever it is you decide to visit but you also learn how to use your camera in many different lighting conditions. If embarking on a phototrip then you as the photographer need to keep in mind a few important things.

  1. Your gear, let's face it photography equipment is expensive, very expensive and having it broken or stolen is no laughing matter. Be careful and try not to be too flashy with all your equipment.
  2. Make an itinerary and plan your routes if possible.
  3. Just off the top of my head I know I would want to take the following

  • My widest focal length lens, 
  • Telephoto lens
  • General use lens, 
  • Tripod or Monopod
  • Speedlite, 
  • Reflector (if you have one) 
  • Batteries lots of batteries
  • Battery charger that works via a cigarette lighter

Any thing else you think you need for a phototrip?

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