Thursday, 11 April 2013

Response to Conservative Corner, "Entitlements" & "Immigrants"

Sometimes, emotions dictate our writing hands, and the result is less than the truth.

In this case, a column in The Commuter, misrepresents facts, and tends to "blame" immigrant status as an epidemic problem in America that is responsible for the economy and the general unhappiness of bad-luck white America. In fact, the very entitlements the column writer is speaking of, ARE one of the epidemic viruses of America. But it has little to do with immigration.

The Takena Flagpole at Linn-Benton Community College in Albany, Oregon

In his opening paragraph, Dale Hummel(a writer I respect and like), speaks of entitlements as freebies such as health care and food stamps. Okay, but I disagree with the "free" money and car reference. The reality is, many people receive welfare benefits, but rarely is the benefit a wad of cash or a new-smelling car.

Hummel ends the paragraph with the insinuation that these people are only patriotic towards their homeland. I would question that statement, and I ask where that information came from?

The idea of a "love of motherland" is not the real issue here, the real issue is that there isn't one. America at her start was, and still is, a "melting pot" of cultures and opportunities.

In the comments on Tuition Equity and Oregon House Bill HB2787, I find that Hummel refers to two groups here, one is given "freebies" and the other "...has been trying for years to integrate successfully...," and I would question this statement. It is vague to me, and borders on propaganda. The facts about "trying for years" is unattributed , and since I know Dale Hummel, I would assume that he can cite those sources.

As the opinion moves on, the discrimination that comes to light is not far off, but instead of being entirely accurate, the description is misplaced.

Hummel asks, "...why should only certain people obtain special privileges" and implies that hard working Americans pay a price for this transgression of privilege. That price is "maybe a small chance at happiness," according to Hummel.

I disagree and would even venture to say that white America has more "privileges" than any ethnic group. Furthermore, and maybe the most important aspect is that the white America I refer to is the rich and the powerful. It is not I, nor is it Dale Hummel.

The privileges that Hummel talks about are not so much the problem, the real issue is documentation. Hummel refers to "papered" citizenship, and that is good. It establishes a credible unity among citizens, and forces citizens of all backgrounds to be accountable. This substantially reduces crime and allows for equal representation and taxation.

The fact is, America has always had immigration. I would guess that most of the folks we all know, have relatives who were immigrants. Yes, my family WAS documented. In the late 19th century, in New York City, my own "American" history was started.  But the bold reality is this: Undocumented or not, immigrants do not restrict my happiness. Or any chance of it.(Got an ex-wife for that...)

At this point, I would remind our readers that essentially, America's almost ENTIRE population is immigrants, or descendants of. Aside from the few "Indians" that survived the American genocide, the United States is made up of the world's peoples. Yes, most are documented, and that fact simply means they have citizenship. If America intends to be robust, and a leader in the next generation, then she must embrace her productive people.

Hummel asks the reader to imagine a truck owning, senior citizen helping, non-registering individual, named Johnnie. He drives that truck for eons, helps elderly, and is a good "unregistered" neighbor. The question from Hummel begs the reader, "Is Johnnie less legal?" If Hummel is using the imagined Johnie to either be, or represent, an illegal alien, what is the exact question here? If it is in fact, the "documentation" that is lacking, I would suggest a more enlightened solution such as, document the so-called illegal alien. Deporting the "illegal" for simply being that, is irresponsible and in my opinion, it is a "non-caring" approach to simple humanity. Document this productive member of America.

It is that simple. Documentation and integration is the answer. If the subject is not a criminal menace,then document that immigrant and let's move on. The perceived "...leave and come back the right way," is not a viable solution. It is costly and more importantly, it goes against America's deep and rich grain. The one this country was founded on. To imply that being "undocumented" is taking "advantage of the 'The Land of Milk and Honey'" is contrary to what America stands for. I agree that working without paying taxes, crime, and stress on an overworked social system ARE by-products of illegal immigration. But I would also add that these factors(or bad influences) are a small percentage of the so-called "illegal," and are simply not an American epidemic. Document the good and productive, and deport felonious criminals.

White folks in Linn County are abusing the undocumented, law-breaking, illegal alien as well. A local painting contractor was recently fined by the Oregon State Contractors Board for using a large number of undocumented Hispanic laborers. The fact here is that no matter what color one's skin might be, the nature of power is to use it and abuse it.

To solve the minor-ish issues regarding American immigration, documentation will provide sustainable American communities with diverse tools to make the 21st century alive with varied voices of different ethnic sounds. Words we can all live by.

LBCC Courtyard. Translate? I shot this with a Nikon Coolpix in 2012.

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