Of course, it seemed like seconds to the baseball community, as the Linn-Benton Community College(LBCC) baseball staff and players knew nothing of this budget cut fatality. Until it was announced to the school's own community, in a letter from March 2013.
In the letter to the "LBCC Campus Community" that is undated(my copy), LBCC President Greg Hamann states, "It is through the completion of a post-secondary degree that our students are best equipped to participate in, contribute to, and benefit from...the vitality of our communities." The core of the letter was to address the LBCC community about a projected budget shortfall(almost $3 million), and the budget cuts related to that shortfall.
Key points to begin, are the time and care that went into the new budget. Much attention to the needs of students and their futures was, and is, apparent. The budget result is simply the best way to meet the needs of local students, and to ensure a robust and educated community economy.
Hamann also said that a "...more precise and strategic mission..." is the future approach not just at LBCC, but at the national level. That mission includes more "hands-on" guidance for completion of studies, stricter rules for focusing on completion, and a distinct focus on economic vitality.
It should be noted that to meet these proposed cuts AND stay within the budget, means an increase in tuition. The increase is $3 per credit, and would translate into $108 per year for the 12-credit, 3-terms-per-year student, in a single aid year. In addition to the extra $108 per year, the student now receives less. Focusing on efficient delivery of services and encouraging graduation, in addition to pooling resources to meet educational needs, is now a major part of Linn-Benton's focus. Meeting current expectations in the wake of these cuts will be difficult, and LBCC administration and staff are prepared. Staff in both the Athletic Department and the Graphic Arts Program told me that the "...core goal of graduating students remains the key."
Twenty-three LBCC faculty and/or staff are gone, due to retirements and budget cuts. This cost to students and staff is recognizable, as these measures affect over-worked staff and eager students as well as administration. The studies concerning morale are relevant here, as attitudes already permeate blame. The fact is LBCC has done a pretty good job of maintaining a high level of education for its students and staff, but in this world of pointing fingers, some are reluctant to blame our leaders. Our lobbyists, our politicians, and our voters who support such nonsense, are the true cause. Mismanagement of ideology and money has led to austerity meaning educational cuts.
I'd rather not blame anybody. Let's find a solution. Here is mine:
Phil Knight, Nike
Sharon Konopa, Mayor, City of Albany
John Kitzaber, Governor of Oregon
The Democrat-Herald, The Gazette-Times
Lebanon Express
The Oregonian
Willamette Week
Eugene Weekly
KGW News
ESPN, FOX SPORTS, Pac-12 Conference
University of Oregon
Oregon State University
and anyone else who can help,
April 7, 2013
At Linn-Benton Community College, recent budget cuts have essentially eliminated a baseball program rich in history and influence within the community, and even the entire Pacific Northwest. I am asking for your help in not only reviving this local asset, I am asking you to help revive it and also help sustain it.
I am proposing that the program itself, become "self-sufficient" while maintaining educational integrity and sportsmanship within the work ethic of the program. These three things, in my opinion, are crucial to LBCC Baseball seeing any future. The self-sufficiency can be implemented in the form of relying on existing gear for longer periods before repurchase(jerseys), maintaining fields, equipment, and facilities, and volunteerism.
I have approached the team and the community about a volunteer Head Coach, and donations on a regular basis. I will continue to make phone calls in regard to these matters.
The LBCC Baseball program is well known in Northwest circles, and has sent players to multiple Division I programs, as well as being the first step in the degree process. Over the 30 years of the program, LBCC players have graduated at consistent rates, played professionally, worked professional jobs, worked blue-collar jobs, raised families, and are a pinnacle of the community.
One current LBCC Coach is Mitchell Nelson. Quiet and reserved, this former LBCC ballplayer graduated from Dayton University after playing baseball there, with a degree in engineering. Nelson now lives and works in Lebanon is raising a family, and is coaching the last season at the LBCC diamond.
Another former LBCC player who is a well-known local inspiration is Dan Segel. In 1984, Segel didn't "make the grade" at the University of Washington. At LBCC between 1985-86, Segel shined, and refocused. The LBCC Baseball program and Head Coach Greg Hawk helped Segel become an integral part of the Oregon community. Segel ran a Portland ad agency for 11 years before becoming President of the Corvallis Knights, a semi-pro baseball club in Corvallis. "Without LBCC Baseball, I may have never finished school or had the opportunities that I have enjoyed over the last 25 years," said Segel.
Greg Hawk has been the leader of the LBCC Baseball program for 30 years. From Missouri, Hawk studied in Washington state, earning his master's degree from Eastern Washington University. After a long and satisfying career teaching kids not only baseball's virtues, but also delivering a message of hard work and morals, Greg Hawk is retiring at the end of this season.
Players, coaches, administrators, and fans from all over the region know Coach Hawk as an enthusiastic supporter of kids, baseball, and education. Integrity on the ballfield in the way of sportsmanship and total effort, transformed in the classroom as respect and zeal for life. One player, current starting outfielder Taylor Higgins said, "I came all the way from Reno, Nevada. I wanted to play for Coach Hawk."
What I am asking Nike for, and specifically Phil Knight, is this:
A "gift" of $300,000, which is simply a three year operating budget for LBCC Baseball. I believe that within that time frame, the program can and will become more efficient and cost-effective, while delivering a valuable college educational experience that benefits the students and society in the future. The positive impact locally cannot be denied, and is an asset to Oregon and its youth.
That business in Oregon donate as well. Facebook, PapeCat, Gordon Trucking, etc.., all are being contacted, in addition to others. From these businesses, I am requesting a 10 year commitment of $1,000 per year.
Local businesses are being contacted too. This part is a bit harder, as many local businesses are "small business," and those have been hit particularly hard by our current economic conditions. Most of these donations will be in the $100 range, with some goods and services donated.
The simple fact is this, Mr. Knight: LBCC Baseball and the young men of America need your help. I believe that you sir, have the capabilities to spur a "hands-on" approach to sustainability, and at the same time have such a positive impact on the growth of our youth, that LBCC baseball can and will provide that service for years to come.
The legacy and influence of LBCC Baseball should not end with Greg Hawk.
To donate or contribute in any way:
LBCC President Greg Hamann 541 917 4200 windsor@linnbenton.edu
LBCC Athletic Director Randy Falk 541 917 4242 falk@linnbenton.edu
LBCC Commuter Editor Sean Bassinger 541 917 4551 commuter@linnbenton.edu
Me: rborstfishon@gmail.com
LBCC Commuter Natalia Bueno 541 917 4452 commuterads@linnbenton.edu
Thank-You for your time. Sincerely,
Ronald Borst
Coach Greg Hawk and the 2013 Linn Benton RoadRunner Baseball Team Huddle
LBCC Baseball 2013 Schedule
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